
The applications support various deployment requirements in the field as per the details provided below.

1. Common multilingual DCS AMCS Application

The system can be deployed in either of the following scenarios. The hardware and networking requirement will vary with each of the scenario, which needs to be provisioned appropriately.

· One Collection Point for Both Cow and Buffalo milk for a Single DCS

· Two Collection Points (separate for Cow and Buffalo Milk) for a single DCS in a single Premise

· Two or more Collection Points for a single DCS in a single Premise.

· Two or more Collection Points for a single DCS in a multiple Premise. (Sub DCS or Collection Center concept).

· Multiple Bulk Cooler / Storage Tank at a Single DCS/ location.

· One Collection Point for Both Cow and Buffalo milk for a Multiple DCS.

· Two Collection Points (separate for Cow and Buffalo Milk) for a Multiple DCS in a single Premise

· Two or more Collection Points for a Multiple DCS in a single Premise.

2. Common, multilingual AMCS Portal Application

The Portal Application can be deployed either as In Premise Solution or over a Cloud based solution in any of the following deployment mode.

· Single Central Server for all locations

· Single Server at State Federation Level for Dairies and Societies associated with it along with a server at Central Level for other federations, unions and societies with the provision for updating key data at central level also. This scenario can happen for partial societies as well.

· Single Server at District Union Level for Societies associated with it along with a server at Central Level for other federations, unions and societies with the provision for updating key data at central level also. This scenario can happen for partial societies as well.

· Single Server at District level for societies associated with it and a Server at Federation level for district union/ associated with it along with server at Central Level for other federations, unions and societies with the provision for updating key data at central level also. This scenario can happen for partial societies as well.

3. Common, multilingual AMCS Mobile Application

The mobile applications will be deployed centrally and would be updated from a central location.