ICT Infrastructure

The ICT Infrastructure required are as below:

1. DCS Level

The system can be deployed in either of the following scenarios. The hardware and networking requirement will vary with each of the scenario, which needs to be provisioned appropriately.

The EIAs would be responsible for making arrangements at its own cost of all required Hardware like desktops, Android Devices, Printers, Milk Testing Equipment, Weighing Scales, UPS, etc. and the communication infrastructure like Internet connection, GPRS enabled SIM cards, Wireless Data Cards, etc., Systems software like operating system, etc., and required manpower.

2. Union / Federation Portal

The EIAs would be responsible making arrangements at its own cost of all required Hardware like Servers, Storage system, Databases, Internet Connectivity, Fixed IP Addresses etc. for Hosting the Portal Application and Database Server or alternatively make necessary provision with a Cloud Service Vendor for the appropriate infrastructure availability. Further they would also make necessary arrangement for Desktop / Notebook computers, Printers etc. for using the portal and required manpower.

3. National Portal

NDDB would provide and manage at its own cost all necessary and adequate infrastructure to host the Application database and Web Servers for hosting National Portal which includes but not limited to

· Data Center rack space;

· Redundant Power supply including UPS and Generators of adequate capacity.

· Switches, Routers and Firewalls.

· Servers with necessary Software licenses of Operating system, Databases, Application Servers

· Storage and Backup Systems

· Internet Bandwidth

NDDB would take all necessary action to ensure maximum uptime of the servers, however NDDB would not be liable for any losses due to planned / unplanned downtime of ICT Infrastructure required for National Portal.

NDDB at its sole discretion may choose to outsource one of more of the above activities.