Android Apps

The project envisages developement of three Android Applications.

1. Farmers Application

The farmer level Android application is targetted at Farmer Level to enable him to access his own data. The indicative features includes:

· Access to own data.

· Last few transaction

· Balance Check.

· Payment Alerts

· Data Modification Alerts

2. DCS Secretary Application

The DCS secretary level application is targetted at DCS secretary to enable him to get in command with his work faster. The applciation provides access to key data of the DCS including :

· Payment Alerts.

· Details of milk received at Dairy.

· Audit observations by Supervisor etc.

· Response to audit observations.

· Balance check at Dairy.

· Orders to Dairy.

· Order Status

· Alerts on dispatches

3. Milk / Society Supervisor Application

The Dairy Supervisior application help Supervisor discharge his duties better by providing him teh required information on his mobile.

· Access to data of societies for which he is responsible.

· List of exceptional Transactions.

· Ability to raise Audit Queries.

· Checking response to Audit Queries.

· Balance Check at Dairy.

· Details of milk received at Dairy and milk supplier.

· BOrder Status.