Portal Application

The application supports multiple level of Portals. The major features of this Portal Application at various levels are as below:

1. Common, multilingual AMCU Portal Application (Union Portal)

1.1 Local Masters Management

· Local Geographical Masters Management

· Society Organization

· DCS / sub-center registration

1.2 Core Business Operations

· Receipt of Milk

· Rate Master Management

· Product requisition, Dispatch, Sale

· Product Scheme management

· Route Management

1.3 Welfare Schemes

· Group Insurance Scheme

· Deposit Scheme

· Cattle Insurance

· Member Saving Scheme

· Member Pension Scheme

· Member Loans Scheme

1.4 Reporting and Audit

· Consolidated Reporting

· Centralized system Audit

1.5 Technical Module

· System Configuration and Control

· User and Role Management

· Language Configurations

· Hardware Configurations

· Integration with Union Systems

· Data Synchronization Management

· Backup, Restore and Archival of DCS Data

· Alerts including SMS Alerts

· Multilingual Support (limited to one predefined language in a state

2 Multilingual Centralized AMCS Portal (Federation Portal)

2.1 Local Masters Management

· Local Geographical Masters

· Union Masters

· Product Group Masters

2.2 Welfare Schemes

· State Level Welfare Scheme Administration

2.3 Reporting

· Consolidated Reporting

2.4 Technical Module

· System Configuration and Control

· User and Role Management

· Backup Restore and Archival

· Alerts

3 Multilingual Centralized AMCS Portal (National Portal)

3.1 Global Master Management

· Global Geographical Masters

· Global Product Masters

· Federation Masters

3.2 Welfare Schemes

· National Level Scheme Administration

3.3 Reporting

· Consolidated Reporting

3.4 Technical Module

· System Configuration and Control

· User and Role Management

· Backup Restore and Archival

· Alerts