DCS Application

The DCS Application works at the DCS level and provides all necessary functioanlity at the DCS level. The major features of this DCS Application at DCS level are as below:

1. Society Organization

· Society Organization

· Society Members

· Society Non Members

· Animal Details

· Management Committee Management

· Share Management

· AGM Management

2 Core Business Operations

· Purchase of Milk

· Rate Master Management

· Purchase of Cattle Feed / Ghee etc

· Local Sales of Milk

· Sales of Milk to Union

· Sales of Cattle Feed / Ghee etc

· Bulk Milk Chilling Operations

· Other Services

3 Welfare Schemes

· Group Insurance Scheme

· Deposit Scheme

· Cattle Insurance

· Member Saving Scheme

· Member Pension Scheme

· Member Loans Scheme

4 Financial Accounting

· Payments to Members / Non Members

· Price Difference Management

· Salary Accounting

· Financial Accounts

· Profit Appropriation

· Audit / Supervision

5 Technical Module

· System Configuration and Control

· User and Role Management

· Equipment Integration

· Data Synchronization Management

· Backup, Restore and Archival

· Alerts including SMS Alerts

· Multilingual Support (limited to one predefined language in a state)